Deposit and Withdrawal

Simple, Fast and Hassle Free payments.

Faster payments, Lower fees.

Stay flexible with TickTap Pay app, let your customers easily deposit funds from any device.

  • Simple, fast, and hassle-free payments.
  • Quick and easy process to deposit.
  • Deposit into any eligible account
  • Multiple processing times each business day
  • App-to-app enabled
  • Biometric authentication supported
  • Instant settlement
  • Easy reconciliation

Deposit Money into Qualified Accounts Using our eWallet

Get the Caribbean and Latam regions e-Wallet app for the fastest, easiest way for users.


We use advanced encryption and security technology to ensure your information remains safe and secure.


We would love to see you, but there is no need to make a trip. Simply deposit money directly to your e-Wallet.


Money is sent directly to your receiver’s bank account.

Withdraw money anytime, anywhere!

Send cash without ATM card.

Cash out your funds with ease

We know that cash flow is important to you. This is why we have made it easier for you to withdraw funds quickly from your eWallet balance.

Enjoy many convenient ways to withdraw or deposit your money through our platform payment systems. Be assured that we deliver fast transfer processing which you can track via your account. You can withdraw your money 24/7.

Why Choose our eWallet for Money Withdrawal?

We offer flexible & convenient ways to deposit
and withdraw funds.

Multiple ways to cash out
your eWallet funds.

Get paid via TickTap Pay and access your
funds from various ATM locations at Caribbean and Latam regions

Fast, convenient ways to link withdrawal options to
your eWallet account.

Let’s Get Started with TickTap Pay

We will help you to achieve your goals and grow your business.