Lubypay Mobile POS solution, Easy way to get paid Tap on Phone

Cost effective solution that allows business/retails customers to use smartphone to accept payment

mpos virtual terminal

Type of Businesses Accepted by LubyPay mPOS









  • Food Court

  • Food Van

  • Restaurant

  • Retails Shop

  • Logistic/ Transport

  • Movers/ Packers

  • Delivery Man - Runners

  • Saloon

Key features mPOS Terminals


mPOS terminals are lightweight and compact, allowing merchants to carry them easily and accept payments wherever they go.



They support multiple payment methods, including chip cards, magnetic stripe cards, contactless payments (NFC), and mobile wallets like Apple Pay and Google Pay.

mobile reload


mPOS terminals can connect to the internet via Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, or cellular data networks, ensuring seamless transaction processing.

join as seller


They incorporate encryption and security protocols to protect sensitive payment information, ensuring transactions are secure and compliant with industry standards.



Many mPOS systems offer integration with other business tools such as inventory management, customer relationship management (CRM), and accounting software.



Compared to traditional POS systems, mPOS terminals are often more affordable to acquire and maintain, making them accessible to small and medium-sized businesses.

Lubypaypay mPOS available now

Lubypay mPOS is a Cashless mobile POS solution for small-medium size businesses in Caribbean and Latin America.Lubypay mPOS allow you to accept cashless card payments directly with your Android mobile phone.

Try it on mobile today

lubypay mpos

Advantages of LubyPay

Increased Sales

By enabling on-the-spot transactions, mPOS terminals can help businesses capture sales opportunities that might otherwise be missed. Customers appreciate the convenience of being able to pay with their preferred payment method without having to go to a specific location within the store.

Reduced Wait Times

With mPOS terminals, merchants can reduce wait times during peak hours by processing transactions quickly and efficiently, especially in situations where customers can pay from anywhere within the establishment.

Enhanced Customer Experience

mPOS terminals contribute to a positive customer experience by offering convenience and flexibility in payment options. Customers appreciate the ability to pay with their preferred method, whether it's a chip card, mobile wallet, or contactless payment.

Lower Costs

Compared to traditional POS systems, mPOS terminals are often more cost-effective to implement and maintain. They typically have lower upfront costs, and many providers offer flexible pricing plans that cater to the needs of small and medium-sized businesses.

Flexibility in Payment Methods

mPOS terminals support a wide range of payment methods, including credit cards, debit cards, mobile wallets, and contactless payments. This versatility ensures that merchants can accommodate the preferences of their customers, leading to higher satisfaction and potentially increased sales.

Integration with Business Tools

mPOS terminals can integrate with other business tools and software, such as accounting systems, CRM platforms, and e-commerce platforms. This integration streamlines operations and enables merchants to manage their business more effectively.

lubypay mpos

How does it work?

Create Account on Android Device

Create Account As Merchant Partner

Application document- Verify your documents

Access essential documents and information during the signup process. Streamline your journey to becoming a valued member with our comprehensive application documents.

Setup you Store Items ( Product, Price, Quantity)

Monitor your signup progress in real-time. Stay informed about the status of your account creation

Ready to Accept Payment

Let your customer pay you instantly by scan QR Code or Get paid by NFC Tap n Pay contactless

Support Business and Merchants



SME Companies

Freelancers & Corporates

Let’s Get Started with Luby Pay

We will help you to achieve your goals and grow your business.